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StackMatch is a free, daily online competition platform. The more matches you enter, the more points you get. View July Schedule

Pending Judging

Individual 3-6-3dusks_3g6 11
Individual 3-3-3pro_3qh 11
Individual Cyclepro_3qh 11
Individual 3-3-3axes_373 11
Individual 3-6-3axes_373 11
Individual Cycleaxes_373 11
Individual Cycleskill_3ay 81
Freestyle 3-3-3-3light_3xq 61
Individual 3-3-3thinks_3xk 71
Individual 3-6-3thinks_3xk 71
Individual Cyclethinks_3xk 71
Individual 3-3-3five_36t 62
Individual 3-6-3five_36t 62
Individual Cyclefive_36t 62
Freestyle 9-Cycleearth_36f 62
Individual 3-3-3paper_3z5 51
Individual 3-6-3paper_3z5 62
Individual Cyclepaper_3z5 62
Individual Cyclebirds_3zm 61
Freestyle 6-cup-stalagmitebuzz_3z3 51
Individual 3-6-3rock_3zw 51
Freestyle 6-3-6greens_3z4 51
Individual 3-3-3javas_342 51
Individual 3-6-3javas_342 51
Individual Cyclejavas_342 62
Individual 3-3-3lavas_34e 61
Individual 3-6-3lavas_34e 61
Individual Cyclelavas_34e 61
Individual 3-3-3one_346 22
Individual 3-6-3one_346 22
Freestyle 9-Cyclehawks_3j2 71
Individual 3-3-3heads_3jc 82
Individual 3-6-3heads_3jc 82
Individual Cycleheads_3jc 82
Individual 3-3-3cools_3jh 22
Individual 3-6-3cools_3jh 22
Individual Cyclegrids_3jn 31
Individual 3-3-3car_3k5 22
Individual 3-6-3car_3k5 22
Individual Cyclecar_3k5 22
Individual 3-3-3grows_3kx 22
Individual 3-6-3grows_3kx 22
Individual Cyclegrows_3kx 22
Freestyle 3-D-1-10-1naps_3k4 22
Individual 3-3-3powers_3ks 51
Individual 3-6-3aces_3ne 31
Freestyle 2-x-Cycleskims_3ny 31
Individual Cycleround_3nq 31
Individual 3-3-3hoop_3nu 32
Individual 3-6-3hoop_3nu 33
Individual Cyclehoop_3nu 33
Freestyle Cycle-without-6-6mints_3s2 22
Individual 3-3-3think_3sc 22
Individual 3-6-3think_3sc 22
Individual Cyclethink_3sc 22

= you entered this match

Stackers Around The World

Fastest Times

Recent Matches

Freestyle 3-D-1-10-1 7/24prints_3nj
Individual 3-3-3 7/23times_3nk
Individual Cycle 7/23times_3nk
Individual 3-6-3 7/23times_3nk
Individual 3-3-3 7/22plate_3n6
Individual Cycle 7/22plate_3n6
Individual 3-6-3 7/22plate_3n6
Freestyle One-Handed-3-6-3 7/22gate_3np
Individual 3-6-3 7/21legs_3n7
Individual 3-3-3 7/21legs_3n7
Individual Cycle 7/21legs_3n7
Individual 3-3-3 7/20round_3nq
Individual 3-6-3 7/20round_3nq
Individual 3-6-3 7/19field_3nb
Individual 3-3-3 7/19field_3nb

= you entered this match

Level 1 Standings (July)

Level# Rank#StackerPointsGap
L1 R1 Jameson Swick182.2--
L1 R2 Henrik Engell-Hedager169.512.7
L1 R3 Lin Chen120.561.7
L1 R4 Luke Eames116.565.7
L1 R5 Micheal Worzie64.0118.2
L1 R6 Hans-Jörg Faißt54.9127.3
L1 R7 Kurt Nepomuceno42.0140.2
L1 R8 Linyue Luo30.4151.8
L1 R9 Viktor Rancic22.7159.5
L1 R10 Thomas I18.1164.1
L1 R11 Arvind Raj7.7174.5
L1 R12 Andrej Aleksov1.6180.6
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