WSSA StackMatch beta New Account Login

Jake Ong Rank: L1 R11 Points: 0


  • Best Times:
    • 3-3-3:
    • 3-6-3:
    • Cycle:
  • Matches: entered 0 of 36


  • Best Times:
    • 3-3-3:
    • 3-6-3:
    • Cycle:
  • Matches: entered 0 of 96

All Time

  • Best Times:
    • 3-3-3: 2.778
    • 3-6-3: 4.029
    • Cycle: 11.679
  • Matches: entered 30 of 5407

Best Times

3-3-3 // 2.778

3-6-3 // 4.029

Cycle // 11.679

My Times

individual huts_cnk2021-02-253-3-3 2.95
freestyle star_cnj2021-02-25Doubles 12.35
freestyle dig_cjz2021-02-05Doubles 12.398
individual ones_cdq2020-10-053-3-3 2.778
freestyle inks_cdg2020-10-053-6-10 7.958
individual water_cde2020-10-033-3-3 2.98
freestyle guides_cbn2020-09-296-6-Downstack-Only 1.663
freestyle dime_cbh2020-09-23Doubles-3-6-3 4.425
freestyle mint_cye2020-09-13Doubles-3-6-3 4.506
freestyle cleans_cws2020-09-096-6-Downstack-Only 1.845
freestyle wings_cwm2020-09-03Doubles-3-6-3 4.849
individual groups_chw2020-08-243-6-3 4.183
individual groups_chw2020-08-243-3-3 2.97
individual neos_ce42020-08-193-3-3 3.003
individual skills_cmb2020-08-05cycle 12.181
individual skills_cmb2020-08-053-6-3 4.104
individual skills_cmb2020-08-053-3-3 3.155
individual start_c3s2020-07-31cycle 12.298
individual start_c3s2020-07-313-6-3 4.029
individual start_c3s2020-07-313-3-3 3.057
individual plate_c3p2020-07-283-3-3 3.085
individual times_c3q2020-07-273-6-3 4.034
individual times_c3q2020-07-273-3-3 3.131
individual rounds_c5m2020-06-24cycle 11.679
individual rounds_c5m2020-06-243-6-3 4.158
individual rounds_c5m2020-06-243-3-3 3.134
individual neos_c592020-06-23cycle 12.389
individual neos_c592020-06-233-6-3 4.237
individual neos_c592020-06-233-3-3 3.27
freestyle time_c552020-06-234x-3-6-3 18.86

Standings Level 1 (Feb 2025)

Level# Rank#StackerPointsGap
L1 R1Soon Ying Ying122.2--
L1 R2Lin Chen91.430.8
L1 R3Henrik Engell-Hedager62.160.1
L1 R4Syaira Binti Ahmad Sariffudin30.092.2
L1 R5Morten Palner26.695.6
L1 R6Hans-Jörg Faißt21.8100.4
L1 R7Foo Soon Wah12.0110.2
L1 R8Liew You Xuan11.2111
L1 R9Leonora Palner Hagemann8.1114.1
L1 R10Luke Eames7.1115.1